Pumping While Running a Business

Pumping While Running a Business

Every time when a mum asking me how do I manage to run my businesses while fully Breast feeding I say that there is no way I could do it without my freemie.
Usually the reaction I get when I mentioning that I am pumping In my car while I’m driving, or while I am in a meeting is “you love your gadgets” but is just when they actually see the pump in action they are speechless!
Your pump should be used by every mum! I just wish you had more presence in stores or go viral online, as this pump really made it so easy for me to manage busy life and giving good nutrition to my little boy while he is in day care.

Shiran, Queensland Australia

Pumping While Running a Business
By |2019-04-20T11:32:28+12:00April 20th, 2019|Comments Off on Pumping While Running a Business

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