My first little girl refused to breastfeed. She just flat out screamed blue murder. Not wanting her to miss out on the benefits of breast milk I chose to express. I used a standard electric double pump and often struggled at night when I had to hold the pump horns in place. I’d be so tired that I’d nod off and be jolted awake with the sound of the pump sucking air as I’d moved my hand and it had lost the suction. It also meant that while I was pumping I couldn’t do anything else. Second time around though I had a pre-schooler. Trying to express discretely and being able to have my hands free seemed impossible until I saw the Freemie system. Buying the Freemie was one of the best investments that I made for me and baby. This time around expressing didn’t have to mean wasted time. Instead I could email, text, phone, help the pre-schooler, entertain the baby and so much more. When it comes to expressing, Freemie is the way to go!
Leanne Fry, North Shore, Auckland