About Breast Pumps

About Breast Pumps2018-10-04T08:53:36+13:00

How to use a Breast Pump

Learn more about Breast Pumps.

We’ll show you how to use a breast pump so it becomes much easier after your first experience.

Mothers wanting to know all about how to use Freemie Breast Pumps for the first time have many Frequently asked questions that we hope to answer.

Electric Breast Pumps

Learn more about Electric Breast Pumps.

If you want to express milk quickly and often – perhaps because you are working, you may prefer the benefits of an electric breast pump.

With the Freemie Liberty Electric Breast Pump, you can breast pump in public—fully clothed, and hands free.

Manual Breast Pumps

Learn more about Breast Pumps.

Electric Breast pumps are lightweight and portable, so you can go for a hike, take your baby to the park, attend your kids’ soccer games, travel, go sailing—and express your breast milk on the go.

With the Freemie Breast Pump, you can pump anywhere, anytime.

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